Audette & OCAF: Ottawa real estate decarb partnership

We're thrilled to support organizations with >25 assets across Canada & the US, primarily in Office, Retail, MURB, Warehouse, Medical Office, Long-Term Care, or Hospitality.
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Get started with your Audette powered decarbonization plans today.
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About Audette
By encoding the methodologies used by traditional energy auditors into scalable software, Audette makes decarbonization planning faster, easier and cheaper than has ever been possible before.
offer details

Audette & OCAF are teaming up to offer decarbonization plans to Ottawa's commercial real estate owners and investors

Participants will enjoy 2-years of complimentary access to Audette's software, providing comprehensive decarbonization plans for their portfolio including:

  • Carbon baseline & BAU trajectory through 2050
  • Decarbonization potential with achievable carbon end state
  • Decarbonization roadmap & project schedule
  • Cost to decarbonize: total & incremental
  • Financial metrics: ROI, NPV, YoY cash flow & more

Frequently asked questions

What is the partnership?
What is Audette?
How will the partnership work?
Who is eligible?